
About Streets for People LTN trial in St Ann's



On 22 August 2022, we introduced our Streets for People LTN trial in St Ann’s because we wanted to reduce the overall volume of traffic in and around the area so that the community can walk, cycle and wheel in cleaner air and safer streets. 

The trial LTN was created by introducing traffic filters which prevent motor vehicles from passing through, unless they have an exemption. The aim was to reduce the number of motor vehicles cutting through local streets and to encourage, where possible, local journeys to be taken by sustainable modes. 

The filters all have traffic signs, most have planters and are enforced by cameras allowing police, fire and ambulance service vehicles to pass through. All properties within an LTN are accessible by motor vehicle, but the route taken to reach them may have had to change. 

We introduced the LTN with exemptions in place which allow anyone to apply to the council for permission to drive through some of the traffic filters if they meet our exemption criteria.

Find out more about Haringey Street for People.


Interim LTN review

In early 2023, after the trial scheme had been in place for a short time, we asked you for feedback on how the LTN was working and whether you wanted the council to make any changes. After listening to all feedback received, including from disability and community groups, and analysing the before and after data we introduced some improvements on 4 September 2023.

For St Ann’s LTN, we: 

  • Extended the exemptions we offered so that all Blue Badge holders living in Haringey could apply to drive through most of the traffic filters that are enforced by camera (previously, exemptions were available only for Blue Badge holders who lived within or on the immediate boundary of the LTN) 
  • Allowed special education needs and disabilities (SEND) vehicles to also drive through diagonal traffic filters

As these LTN improvements were changing how people move around by car, we introduced them under a new trial.

 The new trial started on 4 September 2023, and can legally remain in place for a maximum of 18 months, to 3 March 2025. The first six months of the trial provided a statutory consultation period when formal objections to the traffic order could be made, this period ended on 3 March 2024.

LTN exemptions are available for:

Haringey Blue Badge holders
People with health conditions and professional carers who meet the Individual Circumstances criteria

Urgent safety matters 

Special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) transport

Haringey services transporting people with disability and Transport for London’s Dial-a-Ride service

Council refuse and cleansing services 

Emergency services

Have your say by 20 September 2024

Check out the following documents

Document image preview
St Ann's LTN leaflet.pdf
Document image preview
LTN St Ann's questionnaire.pdf

Disabled person or a carer? 

Separate surveys are being carried out with disabled people and carers, to seek their view on the LTN. If you are a blue badge holder living in Haringey, we will be contacting you separately. 

You can participate via:

Disabled people survey

Carers survey

All responses must reach the council by 20 September 2024.